Top 10 Laravel Interview Question in 2021


In this tutorial im going share interview experience For laravel developer. A list of top frequently askedĀ Laravel Interview Questions and answersĀ are given below.

Q #1) What is Laravel?.

Laravel is a free and open-source PHP framework that is utilized to developed wide variety of web applications. Laravel is an accessible language for new programmers because the laravel community provides lots of modules resources are free available. Laravel provides a simple way to authorization logic and control access to resources with a simple ActiveRecord implementation that makes their interaction with databases.

Q #2) Define Composer.

Composer is a dependency manager for php framework. Composer runs through the command line. The main purpose of the composer is to install the dependencies or libraries for an application. Composer help to install required package component whatever you want to install in your application.

Q #3) What is Routing?

Route is a way to create request URL of your application, Route is a method of accepting a request and sending it to the relevant function in the controller.

What are the two main routing files in Laravel?

1. web.php
2. api.php

Q #4) What is a CSRF token?

Answer: CSRF is an abbreviation for Cross-Site Request Forgery that is generated by the server-side application and transmitted to the client. A CSRF token is a unique value that is generated by the server-side of the application and sent to the client.

CSRF token helps to protect web applications from attacks which force a user to perform an unwanted action (commonly known as CSRF attacks).

Q #5) What is an artisan?

Artisan is the command-line tool for Laravel to help the developer build the application use while developing your application. You can enter the below command to get all the available commands:

example of commands

php artisan make:controllerā€Š-ā€ŠMake Controller file
php artisan make:model

Q #6) How to put Laravel applications in maintenance mode?
php artisan down
And can put the application again on live using the below command:
php artisan up

Q #7) How to put Laravel applications in maintenance mode?

What are the default route files in Laravel?

web.php ā€” For registering web routes.
api.php ā€” For registering API routes.
console.php ā€” For registering closure-based console commands.
channel.php ā€” For registering all your event broadcasting channels that your application supports.

Q #8) What are seeders in Laravel?

Seeders in laravel are used to put dummy data in the database tables automatically. After running migrations to create the tables, we can run `php artisan db:seed` to run the seeder to populate the database tables.

We can create a new Seeder using the below artisan command:

php artisan make:seeder [className]

Q #9) List out common artisan commands used in Laravel.

Laravel supports following artisan commands:

PHP artisan down;
PHP artisan up;
PHP artisan make:controller;
PHP artisan make:model;
PHP artisan make:migration;
PHP artisan make:middleware;

Q #10) What is the Latest version of Laravel?

Answer: Laravel 8 is the latest version.

Q #11) What are service providers in Laravel?

Service Providers are central place where all laravel application is bootstrapped . Your application as well all Laravel core services are also bootstrapped by service providers.

All service providers extend the Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider class. Most service providers contain a register and a boot method. Within the register method, you should only bind things into the service container. You should never attempt to register any event listeners, routes, or any other piece of functionality within the register method.

Q #11) How to Install Laravel via Composer?

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel myproject

Q #12) Which template engine is used by Laravel?

Laravel using simple and powerful templating engine provided with Laravel. There is no restriction to use PHP codes in the views. All the blade views are compiled into simple PHP code and cached until they are modified. Blade adds effectively zero overhead to our application. Blade view files in Laravel use the .blade.phpfile extension and are saved in the resources/views directory.

Thannks .
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