Error:- Intel® HAXM installation failed


Step 1:- Check Virtualization is Enabled or Disabled

If Virtualization is Disabled then go through Bios configuration changes and follow the other blogs for changing.

In my case, Virtualization is Enabled.

How to check Virtualization is Enabled or Disabled

Follow the steps:-
Search Task Manager in your system and open it.

Step 2:- Open Android Studio. In the dropdown menu, click on Virtual Device Manager.

Instead of “Create Device,” click on “Add Device” in the top left corner of the Device Manager window.

It’s advised to generate an AVD for each system image, but for the sake of simplicity, we’ll just create a single one. For a more detailed guide on creating AVDs, select “Pixel XL” or any other phone model that fits your requirements, then proceed by clicking “Next”.

Following that, choose a hardware profile. For this instance, I’ll opt for “API 34”, then proceed by clicking “Next”.

Upon reaching the “Verify Configuration” window, adjust the AVD properties according to your preferences, then finalize by clicking “Finish”.

Fantastic! Your device has been successfully created.

Step 3:- Open Android studio

And last open one project


Run the Device

Hopefully, It will help you …!!!

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