What is JavaScript Operators?

10 Simple & Effective tips to master JavaScript | by Bobby | Medium

In this tutorial, you will learn about different operators available in JavaScript and how to use them with the help of examples.

What is an Operator?

An operator in JavaScript, is a symbol that is used to perform any assigned particular operation to operands (values and variables). For example,

let x = 10;

let y = 20;

document.write(x + y);



Here + is an operator that performs addition, and x and y are operands.

JavaScript Operator Types

Here is a list of different operators you will learn in this tutorial.

  • Assignment Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • String Operators
  • Other Operators

JavaScript Assignment Operators

JavaScript Assignment Operators Example - Tuts Make

Assignment operators are used to assign any particular values to variables. For example,

let x = 10;

Here, the = operator is used to assign value 5 to variable x.

Here’s a list of commonly used assignment operators:

“=”Assignment operatora = 7; // 7
“=+”Addition assignmenta += 5; // a = a + 5
“-+”Subtraction Assignmenta -= 2; // a = a – 2
“*=”Multiplication Assignmenta *= 3; // a = a * 3
“/=”Division Assignmenta /= 2; // a = a / 2
“%=”Remainder Assignmenta %= 2; // a = a % 2
“**=”Exponentiation Assignment 

JavaScript Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript Example - Tuts Make

Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic calculations. For example,

const number = 10 + 20; // 30

Here, the + operator is used to add two operands.

+Additionx + y
Subtractionx – y
*Multiplicationx * y
/Divisionx / y
%Remainderx % y
++Increment (increments by 1)++x or x++
Decrement (decrements by 1)–x or x–
**Exponentiation (Power)x ** y

JavaScript Comparison Operators

JavaScript Comparison Operators - Tuts Make

Comparison operators compare two values and return a boolean value, either true or false. Comparison operators are used in decision-making and loops. 

For example,

const a = 5, b = 4;
console.log(a > b); // true

Here, the comparison operator > is used to compare whether a is greater than b.

==Equal to: returns true if the operands are equalx == y
!=Not equal to: returns true if the operands are not equalx != y
===Strict equal to: true if the operands are equal and of the same typex === y
!==Strict not equal to: true if the operands are equal but of different type or not equal at allx !== y
>Greater than: true if left operand is greater than the right operandx  > y
>=Greater than or equal to: true if left operand is greater than or equal to the right operandx >= y
<Less than: true if the left operand is less than the right operandx < y
<=Less than or equal to: true if the left operand is less than or equal to the right operandx <= y

Example of Comparision Operator

JavaScript Logical Operators

JavaScript Logical Operators Examples - Tuts Make

Logical operators perform logical operations and return a boolean value, either true or false.

Logical operators are used in decision making and loops. 

For example,

const x = 8, y = 9;

(x < 10) && (y < 20); // true

Here, && is the logical operator AND. Since both x < 10 and y < 20 are true, the result is true.

&&Logical AND: true if both the operands are true, else returns falsex && y
||Logical OR: true if either of the operands is true; returns false if both are falsex || y
!Logical NOT: true if the operand is false and vice-versa.!x

Example of Logical Operators in JavaScript

JavaScript String Operators
In JavaScript, you can also use the + operator to concatenate (join) two or more strings.

Example of String operators in JavaScript


JavaScript is Awesome

Other JavaScript Operators
Here’s a list of other operators available in JavaScript. All this Operator is used as per requirment.

,Evaluates multiple operands and returns the value of the last operandlet a = (1, 3 , 4); // 4
?:Returns value based on the condition(5 > 3) ? ‘success’ : ‘error’; // “success”
deleteDeletes an object’s property, or an element of an arraydelete x
typeofReturns a string indicating the data typetypeof 3; // “number”
voidDiscards the expression’s return valuevoid(x)
inReturns true if the specified property is in the objectprop in object
instanceofReturns true if the specified object is of of the specified object typeinstanceof object_type

Thats all for now, i hope you like this particular blog on JavaScript Opertors.

Thank You !!!